Welcome to Cardiff Knee Clinic
The Cardiff Knee Clinic is privately run and helps meet the growing medical, surgical and rehabilitation needs of persons with knee problems. Patients with problems ranging from acute sporting injuries through to chronic arthritic knee problems and failed replacements are given care based on modern technology and extensive surgical experience.
Knee problems managed in the clinic include:
• Soft tissue injuries
• Cartilage tears
• Ligament reconstructions
• Total Knee Replacement
• Revision Knee Replacement
• Knee Fractures
• Correction of leg deformities

Mr Rhidian Morgan-Jones FRCS (Tr & Orth) is a Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma surgeon at the Cardiff & Vale Orthopaedic Centre (CAVOC), University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff. He is a dedicated Knee surgeon specialising in arthroscopy, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, knee replacement and revision of failed knee replacements.
Mr Morgan-Jones also provides a national and international service for the treatment of bone and joint infection & complex trauma; including osteomyelitis, non-unions, deformity and infected knee replacements.